DIY: Incredibly fast and easy placemat tutorial (make four placemats using four tea towels)


Setting a beautiful table really compliments a great meal. But tablecloths are increasingly hard to buy (I went to five stores seeking a round tablecloth recently, only to find NONE had one!). So placemats are a great solution – and if you prefer something a little unique, sewing your own placemats is a simple project. We recently shared two different tutorials on how to sew placemats – one quite simple placemats with batting and one a little more complicated with place-mats made from fabric scraps.

This new pattern for placemats is the incredibly fast and easy I don’t even know if you can call it a patterm’ – I made four placemats in twenty minutes!

It’s also very budget friendly, as these placemats are actually made using tea towels! Tea towels are great for this project because they’re available everywhere, they’re cheap, they’re already ‘cut and hemmed’ and the fabrics are stiff enough that two layers provides just the right protection for your table. They are also meant to be washed – over and over – so they’re extremely durable.


  • 4 tea towels
  • Thread
  • Sewing machine, pins and scissors


How to make placemats

Step 1. Fold the tea towel in half and iron flat and along folded edge.


Step 2. Pin the corners and edges.


Step 3. Sew around the four edges, lining up the foot with the existing stitching line.


That’s it, you’re done! They each literally take five minutes each!

And the whole project cost me $8 in materials (I got a three pack of tea towels for $3.99 each – and I’ve got two left over, so they can suit their original purpose of being teatowels!)




Inspired by book art and geometrics – DIY wall or shelf art


I’ve been getting a bit crafty this week, and in looking for inspiration I went to the two themes that I’m loving at the moment. Book art and geometric illustrations. I’ve previously tried some gemstone-inspired art with collage; this time it’s acrylics on a re-purposed book cover.

Here are some of the artists I looked at for some inspiration:


Beautiful illustrations from Kayla Newell


Stunning book sculptures by Mike Stilkey


And more gorgeous colour from Melanie Mikecz

Unfortunately I didn’t photograph my project as I went through, but I thought I’d share the results anyway.

Here are the simple steps I took to create it:

1. Cut pages away from cover and flatten. I also pasted some paper over the spine on the inside where it was a bit messy from cutting away the insides.

2. Draw out your shape in pencil. You could use the gemstone template here, or create your own.

3. Use Washi tape or masking tape to tape around your shape.

4. Use a water-based paint or ink for the main colour of your shape. I used a Prussian Blue gouache with varying amounts of water to get an inky texture. Once this is dry, you may need to pencil in the facets of your shape again.

5. Using acrylics and a fine brush, add complementary colours. I didn’t tape each shape, but depending on how confident you are with painting a straight edge, you may want to. Remove tape once it is dry.

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And a little found poem on the inside.

Want some more crafting? Here are some Emily Green inspired coasters, or make your own over-the-shoulder re-usable shopping bag here.

Happy Birthday to us! Top ten posts from the last year

Today Daily Inkling turns one- it’s been a year since we first started posting regularly. Let the frivolities begin! Here are ten of our favourite posts from the last twelve months.

Top ten favourite posts


1. Creative entrepreneur interview: Michelle Matthews, Deck of Secrets

Our first interview with a powerhouse of publishing. Michelle started with one simple (but brilliant) idea. From that first Deck of Secrets box grew an empire. The Deck of Secrets series has now spread all over the world.

how to get a book published Daily Inkling

2. How to get a book published by a major publisher (series of three)

Kimberly and I first cemented our creative partnership in a book project. From concept, to content, to market analysis and publishing – our little project was picked up by Penguin and now sits proudly on our shelves.

52 ways to generate ideas on demand

3. 52 ways to generate ideas on demand – Tips from 14 creative people

At the heart of this blog is understanding creativity. To get to that great idea you first need a spark; so with the help of fellow creatives, here are some tips to get you started.


4. Eight trends, themes and observations from SXSW 2014 – The Wrap

Kimberly went along to SXSW this year and all of her posts on the sessions she attended are worth a read – here’s the wrap-up of her experience along with lots of great pics.


5. Great book cover designs and designers

I love a great book cover as much as I love a great book – and yes, I do judge. But is it as simple as great books deserve great covers?

florence and the machine

6. What’s the best soundtrack for creativity? 10 ways music can impact your creativity

I know I have specific playlists for different projects I’m working on. For some it has to be silence. What works to bring out your creative best?

How to evaluate ideas at

7. How to evaluate ideas? For a new business, concept or novel

A great checklist to help you separate the truly great from the maybe mediocre.


8. How to pick the perfect colour for your brand or business

Colour options leap out at us at every turn – from the colour of our underwear to what we put on our walls; what packaging we prefer to remembering our parking level. Picking the perfect colour for your brand or business is one that has to be right.

9. Books that changed our lives

Both Kimberly and I shared our lists of books that have had an impact on us, and I feel like it made me evaluate what it was about these stories that stuck with me (as well as spending hours agonising about which ones to include or leave out. Talk about killing your darlings).


10. Idioms – how many ways can you kick the bucket?

We’ve done a lot of wordy posts, but this one is my favourite – one day we’ll all park our slippers.

Top five popular crafty posts

Our most popular posts have usually been the crafty ones – so here are the five most popular for makers and doers everywhere


1. How to make cute reversible placemats using an A4 template

2. Weekend creative project – Colourful and simple giant granny square baby blanket

3. DIY Washi tape Christmas baubles

4. Great gift idea – teacup succulents with Washi tape

5. Make you own re-usable shopping bag from an A4 template




A random book review (or 101 ways with foil)

I buy far too many books from the $1 bin outside secondhand booksellers. I’m that crazy woman sorting through old textbooks, National Geographics and trashy novels, pouring over each title like it is gold. Mostly, I’m looking for things that I can give another life to (you could read this as DESTROY and use in RANDOM COLLAGE).

In my search for such fodder, the finds I love best are the ones that are completely random. Books with subjects so specialised you wonder what the garage of the previous owner looks like. This find was one like that – a book devoted entirely to decorating with foil. Given it was produced by a foil company and published in the late 50s, you can relate to its existence. And there is some gold here. Let me show you:

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You’ve got Fathers Day and your next bridal shower covered.

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Peppered throughout are these charming illustrations:

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Foil butterflies are a must for every indoor plant.

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And this was my favourite picture – it’s whimsical and lovely and it’s going straight on my wall.

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So next time you’re stuck thinking ‘What have I got to spruce up this table?’ Grab your roll of tin foil and get decorating!!

Note: Alcoa’s Book of Decorations was published by Golden Press, New York. Decorations created by Connie von Hagen, photographs by Michael A. Vaccaro, illustrations by William Duggan.

Weekend creative project- DIY gemstone inspired mousepad with free template


I first saw this tutorial on Popsicles and Pinatas and I love that version too- this is my take on a DIY gemstone inspired mousepad.

What you will need:

  • Craft foam
  • Paint (I used acrylic)
  • Scissors
  • Masking or Washi tape
  • Craft fixative/sealent


How to make it:

  1. Cut out your foam according to your template (below the pictures is a template you can use).
  2. Select your paint colours and work out what goes where. (My version is also on the template)
  3. Tape up your first area and paint. Once it is dry, re-tape and paint again. Some colours might need two (or more) coats. Repeat until all areas are painted.
    *NOTE: I found that when removing the tape, depending on your paint/foam it may lift off some colour. I found the best way to deal with this was to touch it up at the end, once all the tape is removed.
  4. Spray your mousepad with some craft fixative/sealent to protect it from wear.


And here’s your template:


Want some more crafting? Here’s some Emily Green inspired coasters.

Weekend creative project- some styling pics

We have a beautiful old fireplace in our dining room/kids room (it’s a kids room at the moment but it WILL become a dining room once we regain control of our home from the tiny dictators holding us hostage).

What I love the most about it is the yellow tiling- I haven’t seen anything quite like it before. A couple of months ago a friend gave me a yellow pineapple that I knew just had to sit a top our mantle. Hence my weekend styling project. Here are some pics to get you inspired for your own weekend pottering.




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This is the pendant hanging in the room- I had to include it because I think it’s stunning- Marcel Wanders Skygarden Luminaire (replica)


Looking for more styling ideas? Have a look at creating meaningful collections or this post on teacups.

Brunch anyone? Recipe for quick and easy mini-quiches.


So I’ve discovered ‘brunch’ is a big thing in New York – going out for a meal that is largely breakfast fare, with a few actual lunch choices – and then having cocktails! Not just the Bloody Mary, but a whole host from Belinis and beyond. It could be my favourite thing about New York so far!

If you fancy hosting brunch at home though, you want something a bit gourmet that’s not too much effort (it’s about being social after all and those cocktails won’t make themselves). Enter the mini-quiche!

These little gems are the perfect brekky or brunch treat. When you have people coming you can make them a few days in advance, freeze them, then heat them up good as new! And you can really put anything in them. The only essentials are the pastry, eggs and yoghurt. Everything else you can decide based on what you have in the fridge or pantry. They also make a good party hors d’oeuvers and are even great for Spring Racing carnival.


  • 8-10 eggs makes approx 12 mini-quichies
  • Sheets of frozen puff pastry (Note: A variation at bottom of post that skips the pastry)
  • A few tablespoons of greek or plain yoghurt
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • Yummy stuff for the insides – in the variations pictured here I’ve got a few combos – sundried tomatoes, capers & grated cheese, ham & grated cheese, capsicum & fetta cheese, mushrooms & fetta cheese (You don’t need much of any of these – you’ll see from the pictures that the quiches are quite shallow so only need a sprinkle.

How to make mini-quiches

Step 1. Cut pastry circles. You need to lay out your pastry, let it defrost a little and then cut your circles. You would ideally use a pastry cutter, but I usually use a glass. You can then put each circle into a recess of a oiled (or lightly non-stick sprayed) muffin pan.


Step 2. Add yummy stuff for insides. Work out what 2-3 items you’ll be adding to your quiches, cut them into small pieces, and then put into each pastry cut.

fill the quiches

Step 3. Create & add egg mixture. I break and beat all my eggs, then add about 2-3 tablespoons of youghurt and salt and pepper. I mix it all in well and then pour into cups. I’ve found it’s MUCH easier to do this with some sort of ceramic pot with a spout (like a gravy boat or what you’d serve salad dressing from). DON’T fill all the way to the top as the egg expands during cooking.

pour in egg mix

Step 4. Cook. You need to cook these in a moderate oven (180 celcius / 350 farenheit) for approx 20 minutes untill they are lightly browned. You can then either serve warm, or let cool and then place in zip-lock bags to store in the fridge or freezer. I’ve had these in the freezer for 2 weeks and they defrost as good as new, even if you’re not going to warm them to eat them.

cooked quiches

cooked quiches

cooked quiches

If you don’t want the carbs, or prefer gluten free, you can also make these without the pastry. You will need more of the fillings though as these are denser – but still very yummy!

variation no pastry

Want more breakfast or brunch recipes? Check out our top five healthy breakfast recipes including sugar-free strawberry muffins, corn & capsicum fritters, layered fruit and yoghurt treats and home-made baked beans.


Post author: Kimberly Palmer at Google+ Sign up for email updates so you never miss an ideas post from DailyInkling.